
I like to do things with my hands but due to my handicap and the fact that I'm very lazy ;0) I have to stick to small and simple things that are really funny and inspiring. Here you can see some of the things that I've done lately.


Beadwork/jewelry(updated every now and then) I do mostly to myself and my family but if there is anyone else who want anything feel free to ask. I'll let you know if it's something I can do or not ;0). The reason why I started is because I know what I want but can never buy it in the shop cos it never fits.

Another thing that I like is water colour. I'm not very good yet but I might be someday, I hope...I wish :)

I'm also working on a dollshouse. As soon as I got pictures I'll put them up here.

My newest "pleasure" is photography :P. I share custody of a Nikon CP8700 and it's been well used I can assure you. The results can be seen on the Paradise page.

JoJo ©
2 February, 2008